Go-tcha Clip

Frequently Asked Questions


What smartphone do I need to be able to use Go-tcha Clip?

Device requires Bluetooth low-energy compatible smartphone with Pokémon GO app installed. Compatible with iPhones using iOS Ver. 14 onwards installed. Compatible with Android devices with 2 GB RAM or more, Bluetooth Smart (Bluetooth Ver. 4.0 or higher) capability, and Android Ver. 5.0 or higher installed.

How do I charge my Go-tcha Clip?

The Go-tcha Classic charges via a magnetic USB cable. Simply remove the Go-tcha Clip unit from the clip sleeve, connect the magnetic cable and connect the other end to a USB power source.

The cable will only connect one way around - you will feel the magnets indicating the correct orientation as you position the connector. Simply return the Go-tcha Clip when fully charged.

Battery life depends on intensity of game play.

How do I turn the "Auto-Catch" mode On/Off?

To turn the ‘Auto-Catch’ function on, press the Go-tcha Clip button until ‘Auto-catch ON’ is selected.

If you have Auto Catch on, Go-tcha Claip will vibrate and animate the screen to show a successful/unsuccessful catch a pokémon, collected the items and how many items it has collected at a Pokéstop.


Is Go-tcha Clip waterproof?

No. Go-tcha Claip is not designed to be waterproof. 

Does Go-tcha Clip count your steps?

No. Go-tcha Clip does not have a pedometer.

Is Go-tcha Clip updatable?

Go-tcha Clip is designed with updates in mind. You can update your Go-tcha Clip using the App which you can download from the Apple/Android store (Coming soon).

Does Go-tcha Clip have a clock?

No. The Go-tcha Clip does not have a clock function. 


How do I download the app?

The Go-tcha Clip uses the Go-tcha Classic App and is now available to download on Apple Store for iPhone users:


The Go-tcha Classic App is currently waiting approval from Android. Once approved, you can download the App from the Android store for your device. 

Do I need the app to use Go-tcha Clip?

No. You do not need the Go-tcha Clip App to use teh Go-tcha Clip with Pokémon Go. The Go-tcha Clip App is used to update the Go-tcha Clip software and check your stats.

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